How To Share Your Press Release

So you’ve written a press release. Now what? Press releases don’t do you any good unless you share them with all sorts of people. Before you send the press release anywhere, make sure you’ve written it well and had someone proof read it for you. Once it’s compellingly written and error free, it’s ready to publish. Time to share it far and wide.

Stakeholders: Internal and External

Before publishing press releases publicly, first share the information with internal audiences–or at least publish the information simultaneously by sending the press release to employees when you send it to the media. Most people don’t like to hear big news regarding their company after everyone else has already heard it. The advantage to sending the information internally before it goes to the media is that you can provide talking points so everyone understands (and hopefully adopts) the company line.

Media: Print, Radio, TV, Online

When it comes to sharing information with the media, it’s best if you have a relationship with the reporters/bloggers who cover your beat. If you’re in health care, develop a relationship with health care reporters. If you’re in education, figure out which bloggers cover education stories. You get the idea.

Share the press release with newspapers, news magazines, bloggers, TV news programs, radio news programs, and any organizations who may find the information of interest. Compile an email list (with an opt-out, of course) and cultivate it over time.