February 1, 2017

Daily Archives

  • Establishing Thought Leadership During Political Unrest

    When a new president is sworn in and immediately begins changing the country’s direction on health care, education, immigration, economics, and other issues that impact people’s day-to-day lives, leaders have an opportunity to establish themselves as thought leaders.

    You may have information that can help people make sense of it all, or at least put things in perspective. I was recently working with a client in education who explained how California Governor Jerry Brown will likely serve as a buffer against some of the federal changes in education, at least for awhile. Since I’m concerned about some of the comments Education Secretary Betsy DeVos made during her confirmation hearing, I felt much better after talking with my client.

    Later, I was discussing people’s fear about losing health care coverage with a client who oversees a federally qualified health center. She mentioned that our State Assemblyman Jim Wood is the Health Committee chairman, so issues relevant to small, rural counties will not get lost. That made me feel better, too.

    I immediately recommended to both of these clients that we write columns in local newspapers and blogs on their websites explaining how federal decisions are likely to impact local people. Answer questions like, “How quickly are changes likely to affect us?” and “How dramatically?”

    If you want to establish yourself as an expert in your industry and a resource for information, consider the current political turmoil and provide information people can use. Where I live in Northern California, most people lean left politically. If this is your client base, think about how you can reassure people as the president signs executive orders that go against their fundamental beliefs about what it means to be an American.

    If you would like to learn more about how to expand your influence, I’d love to help you.